The Food thief

A real incident

Anu P Nandakumar
3 min readJun 24, 2024
Art by author

In the heart of Bangalore, nestled among the shady boulevards of Jayanagar( locality name changed), a curious mystery began to unfold last summer. It was a typical monsoon evening, with the scent of wet earth and the soft drumming of rain creating a soothing backdrop. However, peace was soon to be disturbed by an unexpected visitor.

One morning, Mrs. Rao, known for her delectable pickles and warm hospitality, discovered her kitchen in a state of disarray. Bowls of Anna, majge huli & palya (rice, a type pf sambar and cooked veggies in kannada) had been emptied, and the remains of freshly baked bread lay scattered. Baffled, she checked the windows and doors, all of which were securely locked. To her surprise, her neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Reddy, had experienced a similar intrusion. Their pantry was raided, with only a few crumbs left as evidence but the biriyani from fridge duly emptied. The elderly Mr. Das, living next door, also found his cherished sweets missing.

The close-knit community of Jayanagar was buzzing with speculation. Who could be responsible for these strange thefts? The mystery deepened when the Reddys discovered their CCTV camera had captured a distant image of the intruder. Though blurry, the footage showed a shadowy figure moving stealthily through the night, but it offered no clear details of his face or features.

Despite their best efforts, the police could not identify the mysterious thief. The residents, while anxious, took practical steps to enhance their security. They installed better lighting and more visible CCTV cameras, and they shared warnings with their neighbors. Gradually, life returned to its usual rhythm, though the incident remained a topic of conversation.

Months passed, and the tale of the food thief became part of neighborhood lore. However, the story took an unexpected turn in the bustling locality of Koramangala. One chirpy spring morning, similar thefts occurred in three different homes. This time, fate intervened more decisively. The Kannurs, who had just installed an advanced CCTV system, managed to capture the intruder in high definition.

The footage revealed a young man, disheveled and hungry, moving with surprising agility. His face, now clearly visible, bore a look of desperation rather than malice. The community, upon seeing the footage, felt a surge of empathy rather than anger. The police were informed, and the man was apprehended without much resistance.

News of the thief's capture spread quickly. It was revealed that the young man, Yagyaraj(name changed) had fallen on hard times. Having lost his job and with no family to turn to, he resorted to stealing food out of sheer necessity. The residents of Koramangala, moved by his plight, decided not to press charges. Instead, they rallied together to help him find employment and rebuild his life.

The incident served as a reminder of the unseen struggles faced by many. In true Bengaluru spirit, what began as a baffling mystery ended in a tale of compassion and community support. Mrs. Rao, the Reddys, and Mr. Das from Jayanagar were among the first to extend their hands to Deivaraj, ensuring he never had to steal again. Can you guess the job given to Yagya which would also be a fitting punishment too? The Reddys hired him as their driver 😅😂 better punishment but to drive from Jayanagar to Vidyaranyapura along with his boss...he has to battle the traffic of namma Bengaluru. As always, the kind hearted Das provided Yagya the quarters to stay.

Thus, the story of the mysterious food thief concluded not with punishment, but with an act of kindness, after all namma Bengaluru is famous for an eatery around every corner.

Hope you liked reading that real incident as narrated by my friend to me…we were breaking our heads on ways to catch this person and she just updated me this week!

Have a wonderful productive day ✨️ 😊



Anu P Nandakumar

All about us and our way of life. Good intention is good karma. Watch your "manasa vaacha and karmana"