Chitra Nakshatra captured in Virgo zodiac with mobile astrophotography
Chitra literally translates to something “beautiful” as in a beautiful picture or art. It is 14th of the 27 Nakshatras that we are seeing as part of our series.
We have seen before about the padas of Nakshatras. Two padas of Chitra are in Virgo (Kanya) and two padas in Libra (Tula). Accordingly, it occupies 23° 20' Virgo to 6° 40’ Libra.
The hindu mythology linked to Chitra lunar mansion predominantly talks about Lord Vishwakarma.
Let us explore another famous mighty weapon of Lord Vishnu whose birth star is Chitra — Sudharshana Chakra/ Chakrathazhwar. Sudharshana jayanthi is observed in Aani tamil month and on the day of chitra nakshatra.
“Sudharshana” in Sanskrit means ‘vision, devoid of illusion’. Sudharshana Chakra is known for its auspiciousness and ability to abolish negative energies. Propitiating this divine wheel is believed to be equivalent to the worship of all ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu. According to Puranas, Lord Krishna and Arjuna assisted Lord Agni in burning the Khandav forest. In return, he gifted Krishna with a discus and koumodaki mace.
Let us look at the mapping of Chitra lunar mansion to Spica star captured in Virgo zodiac using mobile astrophotography.
Chitra — Spica — α Virginis — +0.98 magnitude
Spica is a close binary star whose components orbit each other every four days. They stay close enough together that they cannot be resolved as two stars through a telescope, they are egg-shaped rather than spherical, and can only be separated by their spectra. The primary is a blue giant.
We will be seeing Swathi Nakshatra next. Have a great day until then :-)