Anusha/Anuradha nakshatra captured in Scorpio constellation with mobile astrophotography
Anuradha Nakshatra is the 17th Nakshatra as per Hindu astrology in Scorpionis constellation.
Anuradha is ruled by Rig Vedic God Mitra, the Divine Friend. Mitra, one of the gods in the category of Adityas, is a sovereign principle of the universe. He represents friendship, integrity, harmony, and all else that is important in the successful maintenance of order in human existence. He is usually paired with the God Varuna, the guardian of the cosmic order, whose powers he complements as guardian of the human order. As spirit of the day, he is sometimes depicted with solar characteristics.
No wonder people belonging to this star have a great friendly rapport as per popular belief in Hindu Astrology.
Mitra is increasingly associated with the light of dawn and the morning sun (while Varuna becomes associated with the evening, and ultimately the night).
In Rig veda -Mandala 1-Sukta 2-Mantra 7, we find the reference to Mitra-Varuna duo representing the Cosmic order as:
मित्रं हुवे पूतदक्षं वरुणं च रिशादसम् ।
धियं घृताचीं साधन्ता ॥१.२.७॥
Mitram Huve Puuta-Dakssam Varunnam Ca Rishaa-Dasam |
Dhiyam Ghrtaaciim Saadhantaa ||1.2.7||
Let us see the english translation by making it a cosmic cycle:
***मित्रं हुवे पूतदक्षं (mitram huve puuta-dakssa):Mitra is invoked, he who has the dexterity to purify.
***वरुणं च रिशादसम् (varunnam cha rishaa-dasam): Varuna who is the destroyer of the foes (impurities) is invoked.
*** धियं घृताचीं साधन्ता (dhiyam ghrtaaciim saadhantaa): They two help to obtain an intelligence which is like the clarified butter (ghee ,which has been subjected to the process of purification and removal of impurities).
In matsya purana, Mitra-Varuna are mentioned in the creation of Agasthya and Vashishta.
Let us have a look at the Anusha lunar mansion captured in Scorpio constellation.
Anuradha Nakshatra occupies 3°20' — 16°40' Vrishchika and consists of 3 main stars namely:
β Scorpii — Acrab -apparent magnitude of 2.50.
δ Scorpii — Dschubba -magnitude 1.6
π Scorpii -apparent magnitude of 2.9
As we see above, δ Scorpii which is popularly known as Dschubba with apparent magnitude 1.6 is the brightest to represent the Anuradha star.
We will see Jyeshta/ Kettai/ Thriketta Nakshatra in the next post . Until then, have a great day :-)